Pool Memberships + Passes - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Pool Memberships + Passes

Spend your summer days by the pool with daily admission or an annual membership to the City’s outdoor pools.

Memberships provide guests access to all outdoor city pools while they are open for the season.

Memberships are available for purchase in-person at the City’s community centers.



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Annual Memberships

Register for annual memberships at Matt Ross Community Center or Tomahawk Ridge Community Center.

All memberships require proof of residency: a driver’s license, utility bill, voter registration card or voided check, and a current photo of the membership carrier.

Family Memberships

Overland Park residents: $130

Non-residents: $180

Adult memberships permit two adults and their dependent children admission to any open outdoor pool during the summer season. Learn more about family memberships.

Adult Memberships

Overland Park residents: $70

Non-residents: $95

Adult memberships permit one person, age 12 or older, admission to any open outdoor pool during the summer season.

Youth Memberships

Overland Park residents: $60

Non-residents: $95

Youth memberships permit one person, age 11 and under, admission to any open outdoor pool during the summer season.

Senior Membership

Overland Park residents: $32

Non-residents: $85

Senior memberships permit one person, age 60 or older, admission to any open outdoor pool during the summer season.

Daily Admission

Stonegate Pool

Overland Park residents: $8

Non-residents: $8

Tomahawk Ridge Aquatic Center

Overland Park residents: $8

Non-residents: $8

Young's Pool

Overland Park residents: $8

Non-residents: $8

Family Memberships

The definition of a family for the purposes of a membership with the City of Overland Park’s recreation services division is no more than two adults, 24 years of age or older, and their dependent children who are permanently residing together as a single family/financial household unit within a residence that is their fixed and principal home.

Dependents between the ages of 18 and 23 must be full-time students and show proof of residency at the address associated with the membership.

That household unit must operate as a single financial and economic unit above and beyond merely sharing living arrangements and must share in the family resources and income as a unit.

For persons age 18 or older, or persons of any age that have a driver’s license, passport, or other official documentation of their address, the residence must be the residential address:

  • Shown on any motor vehicle operator’s license or other governmental license or other official documentation as their residence.
  • Where they are registered to vote.
  • Listed as their residence on their most current federal income tax return.

For persons under the age of 18, the residence must be the address listed for that child under any public school, private school or home school registration. Exchange students can not be a part of a family membership.

Any children residing in the home must be the legal responsibility of at least one of the adults who is part of the family unit. Foster children are allowed on the family membership with proof of placement.

Persons residing temporarily at the residence such as visitors, relatives, childcare workers, nannies, or other temporary occupants of the home shall not be considered part of the family unit for the purposes of membership.

Non-custodial parents, grandparents, and other relatives are not eligible for a family pass, but may purchase a separate membership upon proof of their residency.

Roommates who only share the housing and utility expense shall not be considered operating as a single financial and economic unit.