Kids, submit your Arbor Day artwork - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Kids, submit your Arbor Day artwork

This contest was held in 2021. No contest is being held in 2022.

Overland Park’s young artists have a chance for their artwork to be featured and recognized by Mayor Carl Gerlach.

The Overland Park Parks and Recreation Department invites students to submit a drawing or painting for this year’s Arbor Day Poster Contest.

Kindergarteners through fourth graders who live in Overland Park can participate.

Artwork should highlight this year’s theme “Meet My Favorite Tree” and include the contest title in the artwork. Please make sure the theme is spelled correctly.

Submissions from first, second, and third-place winners will be on display at a City facility.

Contest Rules

  • Posters sizes may be 8.5 x 11 inches minimum, to 14 x 18 inches maximum.
  • The student’s first and last name, parents’ name, address, contact phone number, and school, if applicable, must be written on the back of each poster.
  • Entries may be done in marker, crayon, paint pens, watercolor, ink, acrylic, colored pencil, and/or tempera paint.
  • Collages are not acceptable. Do not glue anything on your poster.
  • Computer-generated art, photo-generated art, and printing are not acceptable.

Submit Your Artwork

Students can submit posters online or at the following locations:

  • Matt Ross Community Center, 8101 Marty Street
  • Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, 8909 W. 179th Street (Leave at the admission kiosk and label your envelope “Attn: Karen Kerkhoff”)
  • Parks Headquarters, 11921 Hardy Street (label your envelope “Attn: City Forester”)

Posters are due by 4 p.m. on April 16.

Submit a Poster Online