Share your thoughts on short term rentals - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Share your thoughts on short term rentals

The City of Overland Park is studying the effects of short-term rentals in the community.

Short-term rentals, sometimes known as Airbnbs or VRBOs, are furnished living spaces or homes available for rent for short periods of time.

In April, the City Council directed City staff to research and analyze options to address issues surrounding short term rental uses of residential properties.

While City staff are currently analyzing short-term rentals and no action is currently recommended, the ultimate outcome of this effort could involve a change in regulations governing short-term rentals.

The purpose of this survey is to consider options as City staff begin to formulate a recommendation to the City Council on this topic.

City staff will present preliminary findings of the analysis to the City Council later this year.

Share your thoughts for consideration as part of the analysis using the survey.

Short-Term Rental Study – Community Feedback

If you would like to file a concern related to a municipal code violation at a specific property, use OPCares, the City’s online customer service system.

Short term rental providers, please share your thoughts on this topic using the host/provider survey.


Planning + Development Services 913-895-6217