As the vibrant colors of fall begin to transform your yard into a picturesque scene, the task of managing fallen leaves can seem daunting. Raking and bagging leaves can be labor-intensive. Some alternatives can benefit your yard and the environment.
Benefits of Leaving Leaves
One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to tackle fall leaves is to simply leave them where they fall. Leaves break down over time, returning essential nutrients to the soil. This natural process enriches your yard’s soil without chemical fertilizers. Many species of insects, including pollinators like butterflies and moths, also rely on leaf litter for habitat.
Mulching Leaves
If you prefer a tidier look or worry about excessive leaf buildup, mulching may be your best option! Mulch leaves using your lawn mower. The small pieces will decompose quickly and provide a nutrient-rich mulch for your lawn. You can also spread mulched leaves around garden beds to help retain moisture, suppress weeds and gradually enrich the soil as the leaves break down.
Keep Leaves Away from Storm Drains
While leaves benefit your yard, clogged drains can lead to local flooding and contribute to water pollution. Clear leaves away from storm drains, sidewalks and streets to prevent them from being washed into waterways.
Adopt these sustainable fall yard work practices and contribute to a healthier environment while maintaining a beautiful yard. View more ways you can live sustainably at home at