City's research, work continues on short term rentals - City of Overland Park, Kansas

City’s research, work continues on short term rentals

The City of Overland Park continues its work to analyze the effects of short term rentals in Overland Park, while beginning a few steps to reduce issues with short term rentals.

Short term rentals, sometimes known as Airbnbs or VRBOs, are furnished living spaces or homes available for rent for short periods of time.

In April, the City Council directed City staff to research and analyze options to address issues surrounding short term rental uses of residential properties.

City staff spent the summer researching the issue, working to locate short term rentals, analyze their impact on emergency services, assess community sentiment, learn about existing laws and generate options for the future.

Generally, the staff learned:

  • Short term rentals can be difficult to identify as they can be offered on hundreds of websites and platforms. Listing do not always accurately convey locations, and properties can go on and off the short term rental market frequently.
  • Short term rentals researched have an higher rate of calls for emergency service than long term rentals or owner occupied properties, but the percentage of calls for response at a short term rental is less than one half of one percent of the City’s overall calls for service.
  • A community survey found 89% of residents are supportive of a nuisance party ordinance, and 82% of residents are generally supportive of licensing and some regulations of short term rentals.
  • Cities that have imposed outright bans or highly restrictive regulations on short term rentals have been subject to litigation from property owners.

After receiving this information, the Governing Body directed staff to:

  • Continue working to identify short term rentals in Overland Park,
  • Draft a nuisance party ordinance, which will provide the Police Department additional tools to hold owners responsible if their properties are regularly hosting parties or large gatherings that break Municipal Code,
  • Investigate licensing of short term rentals as a possible future option,
  • and expand community outreach on this subject to help residents understand how to report issues with short term rentals in their neighborhoods.

Reporting a short term rental issue

Short term rentals are not currently regulated by Municipal Code, and are generally allowed in Overland Park with a rental license.

Homeowner’s associations may have more restrictive rules.

Use OPCares, the City’s online customer service tool, to report ongoing property maintenance issues and disturbances at residential properties that are being used as a short term rental.

Concerns could include issues relating to the general upkeep of a property or issues relating to loud parties, large numbers of guests, on-street parking or scattered trash and debris.

Include a valid address and when relevant, detailed location information and as many details as possible to help an officer investigate your concern to determine if a violation of City ordinance exists.

In case of emergency

If you need to report an emergency at a short term rental or any other place in Overland Park, dial 911.

Call police dispatch at 913-895-6300 to report noise complaints or any other potential illegal activity that is happening now.

Next Steps

City staff have begun drafting a nuisance party ordinance to address ongoing issues at all properties in Overland Park, not just short term rentals. The Governing Body will consider the ordinance in the coming months.

Staff will continue working to analyze short term rental data and revisit the issue with the Governing Body in the future.


Meg Ralph Director of Strategic Communications City Manager’s Office 913-895-6160