City unveils draft updated Comprehensive Plan

A draft update to the City of Overland Park’s comprehensive plan, Framework OP, is now available.

The City will soon be looking for feedback on the draft plan from residents.

The process to update Framework OP started in 2022. This major update to the City’s comprehensive plan will guide land use and policy decisions for both public and private development in the city. It reflects the community’s intentions for where and how Overland Park should grow over the next 20 or more years.

The Framework OP project team, made up of City planners and consultants, presented the draft plan to the Overland Park City Council and Planning Commission on Jan. 31 at the Overland Park Convention Center.

“Community feedback has been the driver of this process,” said Overland Park Mayor Curt Skoog. “Now is the time for Overland Park residents, visitors, workers, students and anyone else who loves our city to share their thoughts. I hope everyone will weigh in as we set a framework for Overland Park’s future.”

Framework OP will be a guide for decision-makers and the community regarding future public and private development in the city.

The draft plan follows six high-level goals: quality of life, land use, housing, environment, economic well-being and mobility. It creates actions and policy recommendations to help the City achieve goals in these topic areas.

The draft plan is currently available on the project website,

Update process

Overland Park has used a comprehensive plan to prepare for development since its inception in the 1960s, but the City’s previous plan lacked direction on many high-priority community issues.

In 2022, the City Council approved a major update to the plan, which has involved three rounds of public engagement with the community. A steering committee made up of community members, along with topically-focused advisory teams guided the development of the draft plan.

Next steps

An opportunity for Overland Park residents and visitors will be able to share their feedback on the draft plan online beginning February 9. The feedback portal will be available through February 29 at

The City will host two live virtual meetings on Wednesday, February 21 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and on Thursday, February 22 from noon-1 p.m. The webinars will provide an overview of the planning process, plan highlights, and walk participants through how to provide feedback.

The City will host an in-person, public open house on February 28 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Matt Ross Community Center for those who would like to provide feedback in person.

The project team will make final adjustments to the draft plan in March. They will then present it to the Planning Commission in April and the City Council in May for approval. After the plan is approved, the City will begin implementation steps to work toward the plan goals.


Meg Ralph Director of Strategic Communications City Manager’s Office 913-895-6160