69 Express: First phase of 119th Street long-term closure begins June 26 - City of Overland Park, Kansas

69 Express: First phase of 119th Street long-term closure begins June 26

69 Express construction is in full swing as the Kansas Department of Transportation works to widen and reconstruct roads and bridges and add a new express toll lane in each direction of U.S. 69 between 103rd and 151st Streets.

Beginning June 26, the southbound U.S. 69 to 119th Street and the 119th Street to northbound U.S. 69 ramps will close for 120 days.

In July, the northbound U.S. 69 to 119th Street ramp will close for approximately 90 days.

Beginning in August, 119th Street between Grant Street and Farley/Three Lakes Parkway and the 119th Street to southbound U.S. 69 ramp will close for 60 days. This closure accelerates the reconstruction of 119th Street interchange ramps and U.S. 69 bridges over 119th Street. 

Detours will be marked, and digital signs will notify drivers prior to each closure. The 119th Street interchange and ramps are scheduled to reopen in October.

Find construction updates, closure information and sign up for text alerts at 69express.org.