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Downtown Overland Park streets closing

A portion of 80th Street will be closed beginning Monday until early August.

From Marty west to about the crosswalk, 80th Street will be closed to allow a crane to move into place for continued construction of an office building and parking structure as part of the Edison District.

Businesses along 80th St. will remain open and accessible. Parking in front of stores west of the closure will be available.

79th St. is a detour route.

Further, 81st St., from Marty west to Overland Park Drive, will be closed until early August.

Edison District representatives met with business owners along 80th St. more than a month ago to discuss plans, receive feedback and accommodate various requests prior to closing the street.

Closures of the identified streets are adjacent to a new redevelopment project, Edison District, which is a $54 million office building and parking garage. The office building will be able to accommodate about 400 workers. The parking garage will set aside a number of parking spots for the general public during regular weekday business hours. After hours, including weekends, the entire garage will be open to the public at no costs.