Streams + Watersheds - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Streams + Watersheds

Overland Park has more than 70 miles of streams and rivers. It runs through multiple watersheds.

A watershed is an area of land in which all water, including rainwater, drains to a common waterway, like a nearby creek, river or lake.

Homes and businesses in Overland Park are part of the Turkey Creek and Blue River watersheds. Camp Creek, Wolf Creek, Coffee Creek, Tomahawk Creek, and Indian Creek in Overland Park flow into the Blue River.

Report a Concern

Use OPCares, the City’s online customer service center to report a stormwater pollution issue.

OPCares: Stormwater Pollution

Healthy Yards

Taking simple steps in your yard can improve water quality. Help keep Overland Park’s landscape both beautiful and healthy by

Stormwater Runoff

As stormwater runoff flows over land and impervious surfaces, it picks up sediment, contaminants, litter, nutrients, and other pollutants which then discharge, untreated, into the waterways within Overland Park.

Unmanaged stormwater could adversely affect these waterways by causing water pollution, stream bank erosion, and even flooding.

You can prevent stormwater pollution by following basic sustainability best practices around your home.

Natural Landscaping

Natural landscaping is the planned planting of prairie, woodland and wetland plants as an alternative to turf grass. It incorporates plant life native to our area, plants and flowers that existed here before turf grass lawns were introduced, that thrive with less traditional upkeep than is required of traditional landscaping.


  • Once established, native plants require little watering and upkeep, greatly reducing watering, fertilizing and mowing costs associated with traditional lawns.
  • Natural landscaping improves water quality and prevents erosion, reducing the cost of stormwater
    management. Established plants also reduce air and noise pollution.
  • Native plants provide diversity and habitat, supporting local birds and wildlife. Song birds, bees,
    butterflies and other pollinators, all of which are beneficial, are supported by natural landscaping.

What To Expect

Native grasses may take up to five years to become fully established. The first fall after planting may appear unsuccessful, with sparse vegetation and abundant weeds. The second fall after planting there are scattered native grass seed heads here and there, and by the third season after planting a stand of native grasses begins to appear. By the fifth year, native grasses dominate with few weeds.


During establishment, mow natural landscaping twice a year, once in the late spring and early summer and again in the fall. This helps suppress weeds and controls woody brush, allowing the native plants to establish. Weed control is critical during this time, often requiring spot treatment with herbicides.

Once established, natives can out-compete most invasive species. You will generally only need to mow once a year to control woody brush.

Avoid mowing too frequently or mowing too short (less than 6-8 inches) as it weakens the native grasses and allows weeds to invade.

Types of Native Grasses

Stormwater Basins, Ponds and Wetlands

Stormwater basins, ponds and wetlands are best management practices designed to reduce the impact of pollutants and increased stormwater on local streams caused by development.

Undeveloped land allows rain and snow to soak into the ground, evaporate or flow over land. When homes and other developments are built, the natural system of trees and plants over relatively porous soil is replaced with harder surfaces like streets, sidewalks, decks, roofs, driveways and lawns with compacted soil. Because of this, the ground soaks up less rain and more stormwater flows off the land at a quicker rate. This can lead to stream bank erosion within local streams and downstream flooding.

Stormwater flowing over developed land also contains higher levels of pollutants such as sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen from fertilizers, bacteria from pet waste and salts, and oil and grease from roads and parking surfaces.

Basins, ponds and wetlands near residential and commercial areas can create a beautiful environment for homeowners to enjoy and increase property value as a result. However, if they are not properly maintained, they can become unsightly and lose functionality.

Stormwater best management practices

  • collect and detain stormwater,
  • help slow the rate of runoff from the neighborhood,
  • improve the quality of the stormwater,
  • protect local creeks and private property and
  • create wildlife and aquatic habitat.

Basins, ponds and wetlands should not be considered a cure-all for flood control or pollutant removal or associated problems. As individuals, we can all mitigate these problems by following basic sustainability best practices.


Maintenance is key to longevity and functionality of stormwater basins, ponds and wetlands.

Poor maintenance can produce low water quality resulting in low dissolved oxygen, algae blooms, unsightly conditions and odors.

The longer a pond, basin or wetland exists, the more likely it is to create a nuisance due to poor or nonexistent maintenance. Stormwater basins, ponds and wetlands, whether they are located on a commercial or residential lot, are generally the responsibility of a business, individual homeowner, or homeowner association.

Proper maintenance includes:

  • Sediment removal
  • Management of vegetation including no-mow buffers
  • Structure repair due to damage or clogging
  • Erosion prevention and repair
  • Trash removal
  • Management of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Managing pet waste removal

Frequently Asked Questions

Rain Gardens + Bioretention

Rain gardens and bioretention cells are landscaped areas designed to collect and filter stormwater runoff through infiltration. Both are engineered ‘gardens’, requiring regular maintenance to work horticulturally as well as hydrologically.

Rain Gardens

A rain garden is a shallow excavated area planted with native prairie and wetland plants in existing soil. Using native plants with deep root systems in a rain garden helps to increase infiltration and filter pollutants. Rain gardens are most effective for drainage areas of less than one acre.

Bioretention Cells

A bioretention cell uses native vegetation and an engineered soil mixture to filter, uptake and infiltrate stormwater by natural processes. After filtering through the engineered soil matrix, stormwater that is not absorbed by the plants or infiltrated into the native soil below, is collected by an underdrain system that will discharge into a nearby storm sewer. Bioretention can be used for larger drainage areas, up to four acres.


Rain gardens and bioretention cells require maintenance just like any other type of garden. Proper maintenance includes:

  • Regular weeding.
  • Removal of invasive or undesired plants.
  • Replacement of dead plants.
  • Mulching to help plants establish and to suppress weeds.
  • Prompt removal of sediment or other debris which may limit infiltration.
  • Limiting compaction.
  • Excluding the use of fertilizers.
  • Limiting irrigation: properly chosen plants should not need additional irrigation once established.

During the first 3 years, as plants become established, it may be necessary to keep water levels low for small plants and irrigate during dry periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

Water pollution degrades surface waters making them unsafe for drinking, fishing, swimming and other activities.

Overland Park minimizes stormwater runoff impact by implementing best management practices. These include:

  • developing a stormwater quality management plan
  • submitting an annual compliance report
  • maintaining compliance with the national pollution discharge elimination permit requirements.



For questions or feedback about stormwater goals or management practices, contact an Overland Park water quality specialist:

Julie Roberts

Cloey Adrian