
Trees are one of Overland Park’s most important assets.

Not only do they shade our streets and sidewalks, they filter pollutants from our air, intercept stormwater runoff reducing erosion, cool the air and store carbon.  Trees provide a feeling of community, slow traffic when planted near streets, and increase property values.

Tree City USA

Overland Park is proud to be a Tree City USA since 1978.

The Arbor Day Foundation recognizes cities across the country that meet standards of sound urban forestry management with Tree City USA designation.

Learn more about OP’s Tree City USA designation on the Arbor Day Foundation website.

Street Trees

There are tens of thousands of street trees in Overland Park.

Learn more about how the city handles street tree maintenance, learn which ones are best to plant, and see a map of the street trees in your neighborhood.

Approved Street Trees

Mature trees line a neighborhood street on a sunny day.

Canopy Streets Award

Congratulations to residents of 101st Terrace, from Lamar Avenue to Glenwood Street, for receiving the 2024 Canopy Street of Excellence Award.

101st Terrace was selected for its continuous, uniform spacing of trees with overarching branches that create a constant canopy over the street for at least one city block. These street trees offer a variety of benefits to the community, including beauty, health, social, environmental and economic advantages. Notably, they enhance property values, improve air quality by capturing pollutants and provide a more pleasant walking environment, which fosters an inviting sense of community.

The Legacy of Greenery Committee named its first ever Canopy Street of Excellence in 2021. Check back for nomination forms for the 2025 award.

What is a Canopy Street?

Canopy streets have continuously-spaced trees near the street, with overarching limbs that are usually touching, creating a canopy.

Canopy trees have numerous benefits to the neighborhood and community. They frame the street, causing drivers to slow down; they promote a better walking environment; they are better for the environment, capturing pollution, providing habitats for animals and intercepting rainfall to decrease flooding concerns; they extend the life of the asphalt by reducing damage from sunlight; and they can increase property values.

Invasive Species

You can help protect Overland Park’s environment by being aware of invasive species entering our ecosystem and taking action when they arrive.

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald ash borer larvae drill into the bark of ash trees, feeding on the vascular tissues inside the tree over the winter. In the spring, the beetles leave the tree, but the damage to the tissue cuts off the passage of nutrients and water from the tree’s roots to its canopy.

Nearly a quarter of Overland Park’s street trees are green or white ash trees, threatened because of the emerald ash borer. There are many more ash trees in city parks, along trails and waterways, and on private property.

Overland Park’s Action Plan

Since the infestation of the emerald ash borer, Overland Park does not plant ash trees. The city will not treat infested street trees, but encourages residents to monitor the conditions of their street trees.

Learn more about Overland Park’s upcoming ash tree removal plan.

Handling an Infestation

If you believe the emerald ash borer has infested a tree on your property,

  1. Have a certified arborist inspect the tree to determine if ash borers are present and whether the tree can be saved.
  2. Follow the Missouri Department of Conservation’s guide to managing an infestation.
  3. Consider replanting a tree from the city’s list of approved street trees if your tree cannot be saved.

Shrub Honeysuckle

Shrub honeysuckle is a non-native, proliferate plant that outcompetes native species by growing earlier in the year and losing its leaves later than other plants. The shrub honeysuckle’s berries do not feed migratory birds as well as native species, and the plant’s shallow root system creates erosion issues. It is difficult for native ecosystems to reestablish once this shrub has moved in.

You can identify shrub honeysuckle easily in the fall. It has bright, green leaves and bright red berries when most other woodland trees and shrubs have already lost their leaves. It is often found along wooded stream banks and hillside woodlands.

Handling an Infestation

During the fall, cut shrub honeysuckle plants as low to the ground as possible. Treat the stump with herbicide to ensure it does not regrow.


Bailey Patterson
City Forester

Laura Peterson
City Forester