Overland Park requires permits for both trash haulers and hauler vehicles to collect solid waste and recyclables.
Permits are good for a calendar year and must be renewed to continue operation in the City.
Haulers operating without permits will receive a notice to appear in Municipal Court.
Community Services
Trash haulers must renew permits every year. In the fall, Overland Park’s community services division will send an email to all haulers permitted in the previous year.
New applicants must complete the following steps:
Haulers with existing permits will receive an email in the fall from community services staff. Applicants must complete the following steps:
Community services staff will inspect hauler vehicles after permits are processed, during the month of November.
Inspectors will provide a decal for the truck or trailer after the vehicle is inspected and approved.
Schedule inspection by calling 913-895-6270.
To add additional vehicles throughout the year, email property@opkansas.org.
You will receive a response requesting more vehicle information and will need to follow the steps above to pay for and schedule inspections for additional vehicles.