The City’s Public Works Department follows a priority system for clearing snow and ice from more than 2,000 lane miles of streets and bridges. This includes:
More than 170 City employees from Public Works, Parks Services, Recreation Services, Planning, Police and Fire departments come together to respond in a weather event. Large dump truck and pickup-style plows, along with contracted large and pickup-style plows clear the streets.
Report and track a snow or ice removal issue directly online by submitting a ticket with OPCares, the city’s online customer service tool.
Before filing a request for a missed street, be sure you understand the priorities snow crews use when plowing and treating.
Report and track damage caused by a snow plow by submitting a ticket with OPCares, the city’s online customer service tool.
Call 911 if you have an emergency.
During snow events, walk all minor crash reports in to the Overland Park Police Department within 72 hours. Minor crashes happen when
Drivers should exchange names, addresses, driver’s license and license plate numbers, and insurance information. Visit the W. Jack Sanders Justice Center or the Myron E. Scafe Building to file these reports.
During a typical snow operation, the city’s streets are plowed by two crews working 12-hour shifts. Crews follow routes based on street priority.
Every street in the City is important during snow operations, but streets that move more vehicles and traffic are typically treated and plowed first. Strategies can vary by storm, but typically snow crews plow and treat city streets in the following order:
High traffic volume multi-lane roads such as Metcalf Avenue, College Boulevard and Antioch Road are plowed continuously during snow operations.
Two-lane streets that move traffic to a thoroughfare street are plowed from the start of snow operations until completed. Collectors typically border neighborhoods or commercial areas and include Lamar Avenue, 71st and 133rd streets. These are typically completed in the first 12-hour shift.
Residential streets are plowed after snowfall stops and after other priority streets are treated and cleared.
Crews will apply materials to improve traction, but may not plow residential streets for ice or snowfall less than two inches. Plows will make a single pass around the perimeter of cul-de-sacs. When a large storm results in the buildup of snow and ice, crews will completely plow cul-de-sacs after all streets have been completed.
Overland Park’s plow crews cover thousands of lane miles each storm. Residents and business owners can help by following the guidelines below.
While streets are being plowed or treated
After streets are plowed or treated, keep sidewalks free of ice and snow.
Plows typically leave a windrow of snow at the end of each driveway. It is each resident or business owner’s responsibility to shovel blocked driveways.