Code Compliance - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Code Compliance

Overland Park is known for its beautiful and vibrant neighborhoods because of investments made by residents, the city, and the business community.

The code compliance process is a partnership between residents, neighbors, and city staff to maintain these neighborhoods.

Community Services

Code Compliance Process

After the city receives a complaint, an inspector will visit the property to determine if the owner has violated a city code or ordinance.

If a violation exists, the inspector will either work with the property owner to get the issue fixed, or leave or mail a notice which identifies the violation and identifies a date by which the violation should be fixed. The inspector will return for a follow-up inspection.


Residents may send a “letter of intent to correct” if weather conditions, financial difficulties, family illness or other legitimate circumstances prevent an owner from fixing the violations by the re-inspection date. Contact the community services division at 913-895-6270 before the re-inspection date to request this letter.

Enforcement Options

Violations that are not fixed by the deadline may be enforced in the following ways:

Notice to appear in court – defendants can either be required to appear on the date designated on the notice, or have the option of waiving a court appearance to plead “no contest” or “guilty” and can instead mail in the fine on the notice, depending on the type of violation.

Issuance of a work order – An inspector may issue a work order to correct or remove a violation from a property. When the city fixes a violation via work order, the property owner is responsible for the cost of the work, plus a $100 administrative fee. If not paid, the cost becomes a special tax assessment. The property owner may also receive a mandatory notice to appear in court.

Failed Inspection Fees

If a property owner fails to correct violations by the re-inspection date (and a Letter of Intent to Correct has not been issued), the owner will be charged a failed inspection fee of $140.

An additional $140 fee will be charged for each failed inspection until the property is in compliance.

Failure to pay the entire amount within 30 days from the date of the Notice of Cost will require Community Services staff members to refer this case to the Johnson County Tax and Administration Office for the purpose of filing a special tax assessment against the property. Should this become necessary, this action will result in an additional administrative cost of $70 being charged to you. The city may also seek additional remedies to recover costs including interest and attorney’s fees, when applicable.

Property Maintenance Checklist

Use this checklist to help recognize potential violations on your property and take corrective action to preserve your property value and the character of your neighborhood.

Exterior Wall Surfaces

All surfaces are free of holes, damaged or loose material which would let in rain, moisture, insects or animals.

Exterior Openings

Exterior openings are fitted with an appropriate window, door, hatchway or crawl space cover.

Windows and doors fit tightly within the frame and are in good working condition.

Glass windowpanes are free of open cracks or holes.

Screens and frames are in good repair and free of breaks or holes.

Awnings are in good repair.

Hard Surfaces + Walkways

All hard surfaces, such as concrete and asphalt, are in good repair and not deteriorating to the extent that they would be a safety hazard.

Roofing + Guttering

Roof, eaves and soffits are structurally sound, not damaged and will not admit rain or animals.

Guttering and downspouts are in good repair and free of leaves and debris.

Attached Structures

Porches, landings, fire escapes, decks, railings and exterior stairs are maintained in good repair.

Repairs and replacements are made with compatible materials.

Exterior Storage

Items are stored within a fully enclosed structure or screened from view of the adjacent neighbors and streets.

Firewood is neatly stacked, free of insects or rodents and placed behind the building set-back line.

Vehicle Parking

Vehicles are parked on your driveway or in the street, if permitted.

Any commercial vehicle on the property meets the City’s size regulation for parking in residential areas.


Inoperable Vehicles

Inoperable vehicles are parked or stored within an enclosed structure.

License Plates

All vehicle license plates are visible and not obscured from view by an adjacent structure, vegetation or by a cover, tarp or similar object.

Trees + Shrubs

The property is free of dead trees, broken or dead limbs that present a hazard to the public.

Trees and shrubs are trimmed to eliminate sight distance problems on corner property and to allow proper clearance at public rights-of-way.

Tall Weeds + Grass

Grass and weeds do not exceed more than 8 inches in height or more than 8 inches in length if matted down.

Any vegetation that is poisonous to the touch has been removed.


The fence and gates are in good repair and any repairs or replacements have been made with compatible materials.


Dogs and cats are licensed with the City of Overland Park.

Excessive accumulation of animal waste is cleaned up and disposed of properly.


Swimming pools, birdbaths or any other items stored outdoors that may retain water are free of standing or stagnant water.

Solid Waste

Hauler-issued trash and recycling containers may be stored within two feet of any side of your home. No screening is required. Any additional containers, however, must be screened from view or stored inside your garage.

Trash containers and trash bags are leakproof and waterproof and are kept closed at all times while being stored.

Solid waste is not placed in front of your residence or next to the street prior to 24 hours before your scheduled trash pick-up and at no time is trash blowing or being scattered.

The property is free of any worn out or broken items, trash, debris or refuse.

Report a Violation

If you see a property code violation, first talk to your neighbor. Many neighbors will appreciate being notified of a problem and the opportunity to fix it before a complaint is filed.

If that doesn’t work, report the code violation. You can use online customer service tool, OPCares, or call the community services division at 913-895-6270.

File an OPCares Request