Traffic Signal + Signs

Overland Park owns and maintains more than 270 traffic signals and about 32,000 street signs.

Overland Park’s traffic signals are triggered by detection loops within the pavement, by radar or video detection cameras, or have timing patterns that change throughout the day based on traffic volumes.

Traffic signs are grouped into three categories

  • Regulatory signs: speed limits, stop signs, and yield signs
  • Warning signs: diamond-shaped signs with a yellow background, such as a “curve ahead” sign
  • Guide signs: help drivers navigate through unfamiliar areas and typically have green or brown backgrounds


Missing or damaged yield or stop signs create a safety hazard. Call 913-895-6300 to report missing or damaged yield or stop signs immediately.

OPCares: Traffic Sign Damage

Report traffic signal problems or other non-urgent sign issues through OPCares, the city’s online customer service tool.

OPCares: Traffic Signal Repair

New Traffic Signals or Signs

Contact the city to request a new street sign or traffic signal.

OPCares: New Traffic Sign