Curb + Sidewalk Repairs - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Curb + Sidewalk Repairs

The city maintains more than 8 million linear feet of curb and nearly 900 miles of sidewalk.

Submit requests for repairs using the city’s online customer service tool, OPCares.

Curb Repair Requests

When problems are reported, curbs are temporarily repairs with an asphalt patch until they can be permanently addressed as part of the city’s street improvement program.

OPCares: Curb Repair

Sidewalk Repair Requests

Property owners are responsible for maintenance and repairs of public sidewalks adjacent to their properties.

Residents or contractors who repair public sidewalks must follow the City’s design standards and specifications. Right-of-way permits are required.

The City may repair or replace a limited number of public sidewalks for safety reasons or as part of ongoing annual maintenance. File an OPCares request to have your sidewalk considered for repair or replacement.

Maintaining public sidewalks helps preserve our neighborhoods, ensuring they are accessible to all who need to use them.

OPCares: Sidewalk Repair

Request New Sidewalks

If you live in an established neighborhood with no sidewalk, you may complete a petition to request a new sidewalk.

Neighborhood homes associations or conservation groups can submit a request on behalf of their board of directors after conducting a needs survey to ensure a sidewalk is needed in the neighborhood.

Please call 913-895-6040 for more information about requesting new sidewalks.