Alarm Users Permit - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Alarm Users Permit

Permits are required for alarms that are connected to emergency assistance and could elicit a response from police, firefighters, or emergency medical services. This could include:

  • Commercial security alarms
  • Residential security alarms
  • Medical alarm systems
  • The city processes alarm users permits through the CryWolf system. Apply and pay the $10 permit fee online.

    Permits cannot be transferred by name or address. Automobile alarms are exempt from this permit requirement.

    Apply for a Permit



    False Alarm Fines

    Permitted alarm users with are allowed two false alarm calls per calendar year and one extra free alarm call if the alarm occurs within 45 days after installing a new system or taking over an existing one.

    Each alarm activation police respond to is reviewed for type, cause and known circumstances. The city will mail these findings, and any applicable fee invoices to permit holders. Appeal false alarm charges by notifying the alarm coordinator’s office within 15 calendar days of receiving a false alarm notice.

    Alarm users may cancel police responses by contacting their alarm monitoring station Keep this phone number readily accessible and provide the monitoring station with a proper code when you call. Police responses to panic, hold-up or duress alarms will be canceled.

    Fine Schedule

    There are no fees for first or second false alarms. 

    Number of false alarms Fine
    Third $50
    Fourth $100
    Fifth $150
    Sixth $200
    Seventh+ $250

    Paying Online

    Pay false alarm fines online using the user name and password provided on the false alarm notice.