Neighborhood Executive Committee - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Neighborhood Executive Committee

In the early 1990s, the City formed the Neighborhood Executive Committee (NEC) for neighborhood leaders to gather and discuss issues, successes and ways they could improve their neighborhoods. Participation in the NEC is based on membership rather than location, and is open to any voluntary neighborhood group or homeowner association in the City that meets and maintains requirements.

NEC meets on the second Tuesday of odd-numbered months at 6 p.m. at Matt Ross Community Center. All are welcome to attend. During meetings, residents receive updates from City Council, Planning Commission, the Community Policing Unit, Community Services and City Staff.

NEC Meeting Agendas Map of Members


Alissa Workman

NEC Membership

To become an official member of the NEC, neighborhoods must:

  • Attend four NEC meetings in a 12-month period,
  • Hold an annual neighborhood or homeowner association meeting,
  • And file neighborhood or homeowner association bylaws with Overland Park Neighborhood Services.

Work within the NEC is adaptable and based on the expressed interests and needs of neighborhood leaders and/or regional resources available to residents.

NEC Member Benefits

NEC Member Resources

Lawn Game Request

Lawn game and other social event items rentals are a free benefit for voting and active Neighborhood Executive Committee (NEC) members from voluntary neighborhood organizations and homeowner associations in Overland Park.

Dumpster Rental

Overland Park’s Neighborhood Services invites voluntary neighborhoods and active NEC-member homeowner associations to participate in our Neighborhood Cleanup Program.