Neighborhood Executive Committee Officers Board
April 7, 2025
5:30 pm
Myron E. Scafe Building
Quality neighborhoods are the building block of a great city.
Overland Park’s neighborhood programs help residents connect with neighbors, form partnerships with local government leaders, and maintain the livability of our city.
Neighborhood programs staff can help coordinate gatherings, educate you and your neighbors about important community topics, and help sustain aging neighborhoods through the neighborhood conservation program.
The Neighborhood Conservation Program helps sustain aging neighborhoods without homeowners associations. Residents may organize into groups to connect with neighbors and local government leaders and city resources.
The City formed the Neighborhood Executive Committee (NEC) for neighborhood leaders to gather and discuss issues, successes and ways they could improve their neighborhoods.
Neighborhood indicators provide measurable changes to track livability conditions occurring at the local level.
Annual grant funding is available to local non-profit and government organizations for projects that benefit low and moderate income individuals in Overland Park.
The City partners with a range of community organizations to ensure that resources are available in our community.
The City of Overland Park provides a free Community Mediation Program to all Overland Park community members.
Search by location on this map to see information about development proposals, events, code violations and crime near your home or business.
April 7, 2025
5:30 pm
Myron E. Scafe Building
April 22, 2025
3:30 pm
Matt Ross Community Center
April 22, 2025
6:00 pm
Matt Ross Community Center
Stay up to date with city news and opportunities for neighborhoods.
The Overland Park Police Department’s community policing unit is often involved with neighborhood programs services. Follow to see community policing officers in action.
Owners of rental homes in Overland Park must have a valid rental license.
The rental licensing program exists to provide safe living conditions for renters, strengthen residential neighborhoods and provide a well-maintained community for everyone.
Learn about exterior property maintenance requirements and where to get help for your own property or a neighbor’s.
Request Mayor Skoog’s attendance at an upcoming meeting of your neighborhood or homeowners association.