Community Mediation Program

The City of Overland Park provides a free Community Mediation Program to all Overland Park community members.

Mediation is a voluntary process where two or more parties sit down and work through problems with the assistance of an independent, neutral mediator. Mediation gives people in conflict an opportunity to take responsibility for the resolution of their dispute and control of the outcome.

A mediator guides participants through difficult conversations, providing a safe environment to confidentially discuss any issues, and the parties decide together how they will resolve their differences. The decision-making rests with the parties involved; the mediator does not make decisions or recommendations. 


Community Mediation Program Manager


12400 Foster St.
Overland Park, KS 66213


8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Why Mediation?

Some reasons to pursue mediation to resolve disputes include:

  • Speed: A mediation session can be scheduled as quickly as the parties and mediator can agree on a date and time, usually within two weeks.
  • Confidentiality: The mediation process allows parties to speak openly about issues in a private setting. Kansas law provides, with some limitations, that mediation is confidential. Neither party can subpoena the mediator, and nothing specific to the mediation is admissible in court proceedings without the agreement of both parties.
  • Satisfaction: Parties are usually happier when they solve their own problems and can control the resolution. No one else imposes decisions that are not agreeable to the parties.
  • Risk: There is no risk. There are no winners and no losers. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, they are free to pursue other legal remedies.
  • Results: Mediation gets positive results. Depending upon the type of dispute, how early the referral is made, and the commitment of the parties, most mediated disputes reach an agreement. 
  • Other Benefits: Early settlements can save time, money, and emotional strain. By creating practical, mutually agreeable solutions, mediation helps to improve and preserve ongoing relationships. Through mediation, parties can build a framework for future interactions and positive resolution of problems. Successful mediations assist the City by improving neighborhoods, reducing repeat calls for police services, and removing resolvable disputes from court dockets.

The Mediation Process

The City of Overland Park Community Mediation Program Manager will initiate the mediation process at the request of one of the parties.  

The dispute must be suitable for mediation, and both parties must agree to participate. The parties will meet in a safe, informal environment with the mediator.

Often, information previously unknown to the other party is brought to the table. The mediator will listen to each side’s views, help the parties identify the issues in dispute and assist with communication. The goal of mediation is to find realistic, workable solutions, to negotiate terms and to build an agreement.

Once the parties have reached an agreement, the mediator will write the terms down for the parties to review before they sign the agreement.

Mediation Process:

  1. The mediator will explain the process;
  2. The parties will talk about the situation and share information;
  3. The mediator will build a list of topics and identify issues;
  4. The parties will brainstorm possible solutions and generate options;
  5. The mediator will help the parties select options agreeable to both, and;
  6. Outline areas of agreement in writing for the parties.

Types of Cases

The City of Overland Park designed the mediation process to resolve disputes that do not involve major property damage or serious bodily injury. Other agencies offer specialized services for divorce and child custody issues.

The Overland Park Community Mediation Office will review requests for mediation to determine if the disputes are suitable for mediation through this program. Referrals to other more appropriate resources may be made pursuant to staff review.

Types of cases and issues mediated by the Community Mediation Program are:


  • Property
  • Harassment


  • Security deposits
  • Property damage
  • Repairs

Builder/Property Owner

  • Construction
  • Homeowners associations
  • Quality of life


  • Harassment
  • Trespassing
  • Noise
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Animals
  • Property damage
  • Code violations


  • Poor quality service or product
  • Faulty repairs
  • Refunds

About the Mediators

All mediators have completed specialized mediation training, have prior mediation experience and have been approved by the Kansas Supreme Court. The mediators are neutral and unbiased. They do not assess fault or take the side of either party. 

In mediation, a mediator actively listens, allowing the parties an opportunity to share perspectives, which helps build greater understanding between the parties. The mediator is impartial and does not take sides, give advice or make judgments. The mediator guides the participants through a collaborative problem-solving process during which participants can develop solutions that meet their needs.

How To Request Mediation

To request mediation, complete the online mediation request form or call the Community Mediation Program Manager at 913-895-6080 to begin the mediation process. Office hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

Upon receiving the request, the Community Mediation Program Manager will speak to the parties involved individually to learn more about their perspectives on the situation. If everyone agrees to move forward, the joint mediation session will be scheduled at an acceptable date and time for all parties.

Upon request, the Overland Park Community Mediation Office will arrange for hearing-impaired and foreign language interpreters to assist in the mediation.

Request Community Mediation