Licenses, permits, and inspections are often required for commercial and residential development. Many permit applications and fees can be handled using ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
The following permits and an inspection may be required for residential or commercial building projects in Overland Park.
When online permitting is available, a link will direct you to ePLACE. You can download applications for other permits via PDF documents linked below. Submit drawings based on the standards included below.
All persons undertaking work which requires a building permit are required to have a current valid Johnson County Contractor’s License (excluding residential fences). Homeowner’s (owner-occupied) acting as the contractor for their own personal home projects do not need to be licensed; however, any subcontractors that they hire are required to have a valid Johnson County Contractor’s License.
For licensing questions, please contact Johnson County Contractor Licensing at (913) 715-2233.
Online and In-Person Payment Policy:
Credit card payments for invoices may not exceed $10,000. Payments in excess of $10,000 must be made by check or online via e-check. Service fees will not be charged on credit card, check or e-check transactions.
Overland Park reviews all commercial and residential construction plans and documents that require a building permit. Overland Park uses the 2018 International Building Codes package when reviewing building plans for commercial and residential projects. Learn more about building codes.
Neighborhoods with homeowners associations or neighborhood groups may have additional bylaws, restrictions or requirements for construction. Please check with your association prior to construction.
A building permit is required for any new residential building, addition, alteration or demolition including decks, fences, pools, or a change in the use of a building. Installation or replacement of any building wiring or equipment, including but not limited to branch circuits, electrical panels, water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, and more.
You can apply, attach plans, pay fees and access approved plans upon issuance for any type of residential building permit through the ePLACE portal.
Contact permit services at 913-895-6220 or if you need help.
A permit is required for one-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, which exceed 200 square feet. Materials used must be compatible with residential construction. Refer to our Guidelines for Residential Accessory Structures and Room Additions.
A permit is required for addition on a building, regardless of the area.
A permit is required for alarms that are connected to emergency services. You can apply online.
A permit is required for construction walls, installation or extension of electrical circuits, plumbing drains or vents, or ductwork.
A permit is required for the use of explosives at a residential or commercial construction site. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for new decks, or replacement of existing decks, balconies, or porches.
A permit is required before demolition of an existing structure can begin. Confirmation of the disconnection of service utility connections from the various utility companies are required before a demolition permit will be issued.
A permit is required for new branch circuits or extension of branch circuits or placing additional fixtures or receptacles on an existing circuit. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required to add or upgrade an existing electrical service. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of elevators, platform lifts and stairway lifts in existing buildings.
A fence permit is required to install a new fence and for substantial updates to existing fences. Retaining walls higher than 48 inches also require a permit.
A permit is required for any work within the FEMA-designated floodplain. This is a supplemental permit that is processed as part of an existing construction permit.
A permit is required for all foundation repairs except minor maintenance and repair, such as epoxy injections.
A permit is required for new, additional, or replacement furnaces or air conditioning systems. Many new furnaces and water heaters have venting systems that are fan-assisted and are high efficiency; the existing venting system may not be adequately designed for the new system. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of a new gas line or extending an existing gas line. inside or outside the building (gaslights, outdoor kitchens, accessory structures). The new line shall be tested with test pressure of 1-1/2 times the proposed maximum working pressure, but not less than 3 psig. Test pressure duration shall not be less than 10 minutes (Reference 2018 IRC Section G2417.4) The line from the house to the meter (service line) is the responsibility of the Kansas Corporation Commission and the utility company and does not require a permit. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of a new electrical generator. A transfer switch is required and may require manufacturer’s information and a schematic plan of the installation for review. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for mechanical work not covered in other permit types. A scope of work will be required to determine permitting requirements. Apply on ePLACE, the city’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for construction of a new single-family or duplex building.
A permit is required for new water lines, extending existing water lines, placing additional fixtures, repairs under floors, and repairs involving changing materials. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Swimming pools more than 24 inches deep and all spas and hot tubs require a permit before installation.
A permit is required for construction of walls, installation or extension of electrical circuits, plumbing drains or vents, or ductwork.
A permit is required for retaining walls higher than 48 inches. Plans require an engineered (sealed) design.
A permit is required for any work in the public right of way, including sprinkler systems, driveway, and driveway approach replacement. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Johnson County Department of Health and Environment requires permits and inspections for septic systems in Overland Park.
A permit is required to install solar panels. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Overland Park does not permit utility locates, but requires residents, contractors, and developers to contact Kansas One-Call before beginning any projects that could affect underground utilities.
A permit is required to add or replace a water heater. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Permits are required for new commercial tenant finishes remodels, remodels, new elevator installations, demolitions, fences or walls and repairs. Permits are required for all new commercial structures.
A permit is required for addition on a building, regardless of the area. Please apply online through ePLACE.
A permit is required for alarms that are connected to emergency services. You can apply online.
A permit is required for the use of explosives at a residential or commercial construction site. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for construction of a new tower or the addition, replacement, or upgrade of an existing communication tower or antenna. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required before demolition of an existing structure can begin. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for new branch circuits or extension of branch circuits or placing additional fixtures or receptacles on an existing circuit. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required to add or upgrade an existing electrical service. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of elevators, platform lifts and stairway lifts in existing buildings. Annual certification of existing commercial elevators and escalators is managed by the Kansas State Fire Marshall’s Office. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A fence permit is required to install a new fence and for substantial updates to existing fences. Retaining walls higher than 48 inches also require a permit. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of new fire alarms and extensions or upgrades to existing fire alarm systems. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for new fire sprinkler systems and extensions or upgrades to existing fire sprinkler systems. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for any work within the FEMA-designated floodplain. This is a supplemental permit that is processed as part of an existing construction permit.
A permit is required for all foundation repairs except minor maintenance and repair, such as epoxy injections. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for new, additional, or replacement furnaces or air conditioning systems. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of a new gas line or extending an existing gas line. inside or outside the building (gaslights, outdoor kitchens, accessory structures). The new line shall be tested with test pressure of 1-1/2 times the proposed maximum working pressure, but not less than 3 psig. Test pressure duration shall not be less than 10 minutes (Reference 2018 IRC Section G2417.4) The line from the house to the meter (service line) is the responsibility of the Kansas Corporation Commission and the utility company and does not require a permit. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for installation of a new electrical generator. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for clearing, demolition, area grading, and utility construction for sites larger than one acre, when no other building permit is required. This is not required for private storm sewers. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for mechanical work not covered in other permit types. A scope of work will be required to determine permitting requirements. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for new water lines, extending existing water lines, placing additional fixtures, repairs under floors, and repairs involving changing materials. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Swimming pools more than 24 inches deep and all spas and hot tubs require a permit before installation. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for streets, storm sewers, streetlights and other infrastructure that the City will ultimately maintain.
Rezoning changes the zoning use of a tract or lot of land. Rezoning applicants work with staff from the current planning division to apply. Contact the planner of the day at 913-895-6217.
A permit is required for any work in the public right of way, including sprinkler systems, driveway, and driveway approach replacement. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Johnson County Department of Health and Environment requires permits and inspections for septic systems in Overland Park.
Sign permits are required for many permanent signs and promotional activities. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required for clearing, demolition, area grading, and utility construction for sites disturbing more than one acre of land. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required to install solar panels. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Special use permits are required for land uses not included in the existing zoning district, allowing a proposal to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure it is compatible with surrounding uses. Special use permit applicants work with staff from the current planning division to apply. Contact the planner of the day at 913-895-6217.
Overland Park does not permit utility locates, but requires residents, contractors, and developers to contact Kansas One-Call before beginning any projects that could affect underground utilities.
A permit is required to add or replace a water heater. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
A permit is required to install a wind generator. Apply on ePLACE, the City’s online permitting system.
Verify the zoning of a property using our map online. Official zoning verification letters are provided as a public service.
Floodplain development permits may be required for work if your property is in the floodplain. Use the city’s floodplain map to see specific locations within the floodplain.
As the permit holder, I agree to comply with all the provisions of the Zoning Regulations and Building Code as adopted by the City of Overland Park, and all other applicable regulations and laws. By signing this document, the undersigned agrees to comply with the approved plans and/or any special conditions, which may have been stipulated as conditions/holds for permit issuance or permit closure. This building permit is subject to revocation upon any violation of the Zoning Regulations, Building Code or other applicable law.
The permit holder is responsible for ensuring that all work performed under this permit is inspected and brought to closure. The conditions of the permit are not satisfied until a final inspection is approved and a Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. To schedule inspections please visit ePlace or call 913-895-6220.
No equipment or structure shall be used, nor shall any building or structure be occupied unless the permit holder has first received a Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy.
The permit shall become invalid if the authorized work is not commenced within 180 days after issuance of the permit, or if the work authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time of commencing work. The lack of a request for inspections for a period of 180 days will be considered as evidence of suspension or abandonment. For further information on suspension of the permit, call 913-895-6022.
You can submit application drawings electronically using ePLACE. Submit drawings based on the standards included below.
During the review process, permitting staff perform a quick check to determine if the commercial and residential plans submitted are sufficiently complete for a thorough review. This includes meeting all applicable building codes.
If not, the applicant is notified within one to two working days and the deficiencies are noted. These items must be fixed before the plans are submitted again.
Applications for new residential construction that are ready for review will be completed in five days. Applications for new commercial construction will be ready in 15 days.
Overland Park requires contractors have a current Johnson County contractor’s license in order to receive a building permit for work in Overland Park.
Contractors must also have the proper Johnson County license type for the building permit in which they are applying. A permit will only be issued to an applicant whose name is listed as a permittee in the County’s system. Contact Johnson County Contractor Licensing to update all records.
Before hiring anyone to do work at your home or business, use the Johnson County website to find a licensed contractor.
Building permit reports show the number of building permits, project valuations and size, and to whom the city issued permits for a given time frame.
You can also see this information on the City’s interactive building permit dashboard.