Chicken Permits - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Chicken Permits

Overland Park residents can apply for a permit to raise chickens at single and two-family residences. The number of chickens allowed is based on lot size. The Johnson County AIMS mapping tool can help you determine the size of your property.

Number of AcresSquare FootageNumber of Chickens Allowed
0.20 – 0.498,712 – 21,3443
0.5 – 0.9921,780 – 43,1246
1 – 343,560 – 130,68012

Per City ordinance, chickens are allowed on any property larger than three acres without a permit.

City Hall
8500 Santa Fe Drive

Permit Contact
City Clerk’s Office

Regulations Contact
Planning + Development

Applications + Site Plan Requirements

A permit costs $100 for the first year and $50 for each renewal.

To be approved, residents must prove they can adequately care for chickens and raise them in a sanitary location. They must also assure the chickens will not cause any health, safety or nuisance issues, which includes smell and noise.

Apply for a chicken permit online or in person at the City Clerk’s counter at City Hall.

All permits must include a site plan that details the following requirements:

  • Total square footage and location of the chicken enclosure and run
  • Backyard and perimeter fencing (additional fencing will be required if backyard is not fully enclosed)
  • Distance of the enclosure and run from the rear and side property lines

Residents are encouraged to check with homeowners associations prior to applying for a permit.

Chicken Permit Site Plan Example


  • Chickens must be kept in the backyard and are not allowed in the front or side yard.
  • Coops must be placed within a specific distance from property lines and homes.
  • A fence must surround the well-ventilated chicken coop and must be approved by Animal Control. Chickens must be kept in the coop when the resident is not present.
  • Hens are allowed. Roosters are not allowed on a property less than three acres.
  • Other farm animals such as ducks, pigs, and goats are not allowed.

Find a complete list of chicken requirements, including location, safety and permitting standards, under the approved Ordinance No. DAC-3435.

Best Practices

Ensure the safe-keeping of residential chickens by following these best practices provided by Animal Control.

  • Wash or sanitize hands after handling chickens, eggs, feed and water, and after cleaning the coop.
  • Collect eggs two to three times a day and wash them in luke-warm water. Store eggs in the refrigerator and discard any that are broken or cracked.
  • Keep chicken feed in a dry area that is off the ground and airtight.
  • Provide chickens with fresh water daily and ensure they have a safe portion of the coop to nest in each night.
  • Place a roof or chicken wire over the coop and bury hardware around the perimeter to ensure predators cannot get inside.