Overland Park’s Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the City. It processes traffic and ordinance violations.
You may visit the Municipal Court in-person or utilize online options as detailed on this page.
Retrieve an existing request or make a new request using the links below.
12400 Foster St.
Overland Park, KS 66213
Please note that contact information is required to review your request.
For questions, please email opmc@opkansas.org.
You may use the following options to resolve your case:
If you have a traffic ticket and would like to pay in full online, and would like to plead guilty or no contest to the original charge, you may enter your plea and pay in full.
You may also make a payment on a case.
You can pay fines online for citations that do not require a court appearance.
Search by name or citation number to see details about your case.
Learn about fines for speeding and traffic violations and other municipal code violations.
Make a request for a record or continuance of a court date.
Learn about the process that governs cases in Overland Park Municipal Court.
Learn about the various services our staff provide, including monitoring, substance abuse evaluations, and traffic school.
If you have received a citation for failing to provide proof of liability insurance from an Overland Park police officer, you may email a copy of your insurance card that was valid on the date of the citation for the vehicle cited to verifyinsurance@opkansas.org.
In your email, please include your name, ticket or complaint number and a daytime phone number.
It may take two-three business days to process your documents.
The annual report includes information about fines and fees collected, a caseload summary, and performance measures for staff.
Read the codes and ordinances that govern Overland Park.
Visit the Johnson County District Court website if the Sheriff’s Department issued your citation and for cases other than Overland Park traffic and municipal code violations.