Departments - City of Overland Park, Kansas


City staff are non-elected officials who perform and manage the daily operations of the city.

All staff work within one of several departments, listed below.

Find more information about services provided by each department, hours and locations, and director contact info in each department’s page.

Police Department

The Police Department keeps the people of Overland Park safe and secure through patrol, investigation, community policing, and training operations.

Fire Department

The Fire Department provides emergency medical and fire suppression services to Overland Park and Merriam residents, while working to educate residents and reduce the risks to life and safety in the city.

Public Works

Overland Park’s Public Works Department provides safe and timely street, traffic and stormwater services.

Parks + Recreation

The Parks and Recreation Department operates, maintains, and grows the recreational amenities that make Overland Park a great place to live, work, and play.

City Clerk's Office

The City Clerk’s Office maintains, protects and preserves the official records of the city, organizes the annual calendar of meetings, and coordinates agendas, legal publications, and bids and proposals.

Planning + Development Services

The Planning and Development Services Department helps the community plan for the future, assures resident safety, and supports neighborhoods.

Finance + Administration

Overland Park’s Finance and Administration Department works with the City Council, city manager and city departments to coordinate financial planning, economic development incentives, and payment of city bills.

Human Resources

Human Resources attracts, hires, motivates, trains and retains the best employees so Overland Park can provide its residents, businesses, and organizations the highest quality of service.

Information Technology

Information Technology provides software, hardware, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and facilities support to city staff, so staff can provide outstanding services to residents.

Tony Sage
Chief Information Officer

Myron E. Scafe Building
8500 Antioch Road
OverlandPark, KS 66212


The law department prepares and prosecutes all municipal court cases in the City, and supports city staff with legal advice and services in order to allow city staff to provide the best possible services to Overland Park residents, visitors, business owners, and organizations.

Municipal Court

Overland Park’s Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the city. It processes traffic and ordinance violations.

Jaime Murphy
Court Administrator

12400 Foster St.
Overland Park, KS 66213

City Manager's Office

The city manager and staff are responsible for managing the city’s affairs and day-to-day operations, as well as implementing policies set by the Governing Body.