OP Moves - City of Overland Park, Kansas

OP Moves

In June 2023, the City of Overland Park held a special mail-in ballot election for the OP Moves sales tax. 

Overland Park residents approved a dedicated three-eighth cent sales tax to fund maintenance and improvements to City streets and traffic management systems. The OP Moves sales tax replaced the City’s dedicated one-eighth cent (0.125 percent) sales tax with a three-eighths cent (0.375 percent) dedicated sales tax in April 2024. 

Revenue from the tax will be dedicated to improving City infrastructure. This includes primarily streets and traffic management systems, but can include related infrastructure such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, storm sewers and more. These programs were developed in response to Overland Park’s growing infrastructure maintenance, preservation and improvement needs.

OP Moves Sales Tax Overview

A resident committee recommended the City spend an additional $28.5 million per year for infrastructure, funded partially with a three-eighth cent sales tax. The three-eighth cent sales tax will raise more than $24 million to improve and maintain the City’s streets and traffic management systems. The three-eighth cent sales tax took effect in April 2024 and will expire in 2034.

Timeline of Events

March 6, 2023

The City Council approved the holding of the OP Moves mail-in ballot election in June of 2023. 

Early June

The Johnson County Election Office sent out mail-in ballots to all registered voters in Overland Park.  

June 1, 2023

The City held the first of two in-person town halls to share information on the proposed sales tax with the community.

June 8, 2023

The City held a telephone town hall to share information on the proposed sales tax with the community.

June 13, 2023

The City held the second and final in-person town hall event to share information on the proposed sales tax with the community.

June 22, 2023

Election day – mail-in ballots were due back to the Johnson County Election Office by noon.

The Johnson County Election Office announced preliminary election results.

April 1, 2024

The new three-eighths cent sales tax takes effect.