Sales + Property Taxes - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Sales + Property Taxes

Overland Park uses revenue from sales and property taxes to support its operating budget.

Sales Tax

The sales tax rate in Overland Park is 9.35 percent.

Sales tax is collected on the purchase of tangible goods and services.


Transportation development districts and community improvement districts locations can increase sales tax at some businesses within these districts. Learn more about Overland Park’s economic development incentives.

Overland Park has a one-cent sales tax supporting general operations and a 3/8 cent sales tax for street improvements.

The city also receives a portion of select county sales taxes. The remainder and majority of sales taxes go to county and state services.

Almost half of the city’s annual revenue comes from sales taxes.

Certain foods are subject to reduced sales tax rates. For additional information, see the Kansas Department of Revenue’s Publication KS-1223 or contact the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Property Tax

Overland Park’s property tax rate is 14.538 mills.

Property taxes are levied on real estate and property, and help support services including:

  • Public safety
  • Snow removal
  • Street repair
  • Animal control
  • Parks and Recreation programs
  • Debt payment

A property’s total tax rate includes levies for the State of Kansas, Johnson County, the respective school district and Johnson County Community College.

Overland Park receives around 13 percent of the total property tax paid by each property in Overland Park.

Overland Park’s tax rate is significantly less than our neighboring communities and remains the lowest of any first class city in Kansas.


2023 Mills for 2024 Budget
City of Overland Park 14.538
Johnson County 17.526
Johnson County Parks & Recreation 3.022
Johnson County Library 3.812
Johnson County Community College 8.131
School Districts
Blue Valley
Shawnee Mission
Spring Hill
Recreation Commissions:
Blue Valley
Spring Hill
State of Kansas 1.500


Calculating Property Tax

Property tax rates are based on mills and are assessed through a mill levy. One mill is equivalent to $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property value.

The Johnson County Appraiser’s Office maintains property valuations and tax bills.

Calculating Property Tax

Assessed property values are 11.5 percent of appraised (market) value for residential properties and 25 percent for commercial properties.

Example: A home appraised at $300,000 has an assessed value of $34,500. This amount is divided by $1,000, because one mill is equivalent to $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property value.

The assessed value is then multiplied by the mills for the home’s taxing entities, to arrive at the total property tax amount.

Overland Park’s property tax rate is 14.538 mills.

Example: The same home’s assessed value is multiplied by 14.538 mills. $34,500/$1,000 x 14.573 = $501.11. This is Overland Park’s portion of the overall tax bill.

Example: The same homeowner also pays property taxes to other organizations listed above. The overall tax bill uses the same format for determining tax bills, so the overall tax bill would range between $3,359 and $4,086.

Overland Park’s portion of the overall tax bill is approximately 13 percent.

Property Tax Rate Comparisons

Overland Park maintains the lowest property tax rate in Johnson County and among first-class cities in Kansas, while providing a high-quality level of city services.

The tables below show Overland Park’s property tax rate as compared to other cities’ rates and services.