Boards, Commissions + Committees - City of Overland Park, Kansas

Boards, Commissions + Committees

Overland Park has many boards and commissions that meet periodically to discuss various topics affecting the city. Meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Residents are encouraged to serve on or volunteer with the committees. Many committees require a special skill set and are noted where applicable.

Appointments are made throughout the year. If you are interested in serving on a board, commission, or committee, complete the boards, commissions and committees interest form.

Interest Form

Legislative, Quasi-Judicial + Review Groups

These groups perform technical or compliance reviews, administrative tasks, or act in a legislative or quasi-judicial fashion on behalf of the City.

Related Groups

The Mayor and City Council occasionally make appointments to boards or councils of separate entities or nonprofit corporations that have relationships with the City.

These groups are not City boards but are of significant interest to the City. The links included in this section will direct you to these organizations’ websites.