Maps - City of Overland Park, Kansas


Overland Park provides both interactive and PDF maps that illustrate a range of important information and geographic features about our city.

The city’s geographic information systems division creates and supports these maps not only for viewing, but in order to enable complex location-based analyses that support better government decision making.


8500 Santa Fe Drive
Overland Park, KS 66212



Interactive Maps

The City’s interactive maps provide detailed information about specific data in relation to the geography of the city.

Crash Map

Use this tool to see vehicle crash information in Overland Park. You can search by date, time, location, type of crash, and more.

Property Map

Use the Property Map to see streets and property lines, addresses, and parcel identification information.

Zoning Map

Use the zoning map to zoom to the street level and see details of land use types.

Crime Map

Use the crime map to understand crime statistics in Overland Park.

Development Map

Use this tool to find the name, description and construction statistics for proposed and existing developments in Overland Park.

Floodplain Map

Use this map to view approximate floodplain boundaries in relation to buildings and property lines.

Road Closure Map

Use this map to see existing and upcoming construction projects that will close streets or reduce the number of traffic lanes.

Public Works Projects

Use this map to see the location and description of current Public Works construction projects.

Traffic Volume

Use this map to view average daily traffic volumes at locations throughout the City.

Street Sweeping Map

Use this map to see when the City’s street sweepers will be in your neighborhood next.

Street Tree Map

Overland Park has tens of thousands of street trees in the public right of way. Learn more about which trees are street trees, and see all trees included in an audit.

Stormwater Network Map

The stormwater network map indicates stormwater structures, conduit, pavement, and buildings within a quarter mile of an address or parcel.

Speed Study Map

Use this map to see the locations and details of speed studies done on City streets.

Downtown OP Parking Map

Meal Sites Locator Map

Use this map to find the nearest resources for food and meal assistance around Overland Park.

Trail Closures

Use this map to view current and upcoming trail closures for bike and hike trails in Overland Park.

Building Permit Dashboard

See specific information about building permits in Overland Park, including permit types, geographic areas, and more.

Rental Licensing Map

A rental license is required for all rental homes in Overland Park. This interactive map shows inspection months and properties that have been identified as rentals.

Bike + Hike Trail System

Cyclists, runners, and outdoor enthusiasts can see existing and planned trails along the Indian Creek and Tomahawk Creek watershed areas.

Traffic Camera Map

Overland Park’s traffic engineers use closed circuit cameras to ensure traffic is flowing efficiently in the city. See a map of all cameras and check out current traffic and driving conditions yourself.

Preliminary Engineering Studies Map

Overland Park’s engineers conduct early feasibility and definition studies of potential improvement projects. See a map of study and project areas.

Future Development Character Framework Map

The Future Development Character Framework Map intends to define the appropriate and desired development patterns throughout the city.

This map is part of the City’s comprehensive plan, which serves as a long-term policy guide focused on physical aspects of the city and serves as the foundation of the city’s zoning code, Capital Improvements Plan and other specific plans and policies.

Printable Maps

Due to the complexity of some of the maps, they may take a few seconds to minutes to load.

Paper copies are available at City Hall.

City Road Map

The following map shows the current street system, plus public parks and schools, in a map book format.

Official Street Map

This map shows the designations of all City streets in Overland Park, including thoroughfares, collectors, residential streets, and private streets.

Ward + Precinct Map

This map shows the ward boundaries used for City Council elections and the voting precincts that each ward contains.

Speed Limit Map

This map shows the current speed limits of all city streets.