Infrastructure, recruitment drive 2024 budget recommendation

City Manager Lori Curtis Luther presented the proposed 2024 Budget to Mayor Curt Skoog and the Overland Park City Council.

Budget recommendations focus on implementing recommendations of the City’s Infrastructure Advisory Group, recruiting and retaining a talented workforce, and continuing to implement the City Council’s strategic goals.

The proposed total Budget totals $430.7 million, which is a 15% increase over the 2023 Budget.

Mill levy steady; revenue to fund infrastructure

In 2022, the Infrastructure Advisory Group recommended an increase in infrastructure funding of $28.5 million each year. 

Approximately $20.5 million of this funding would be generated from a three-eighth cent sales tax if the community approves via a mail-in ballot election this summer. For planning purposes, the budget assumes approval of the sales tax.

The recommended budget makes no change to the City’s current property tax rate of 14.573 mills, which remains the lowest municipal mill levy in the state of Kansas.

The City expects assessed valuation of properties in Overland Park to increase by about 10.7% in 2024. Increases in property valuation throughout Overland Park would mean the City could capture an additional approximately $4 million in revenue. 

This funding will be applied to close the remaining funding gap and fully fund the resident committee’s recommendations to maintain and improve the City’s streets and traffic management and stormwater systems.

“Funding City infrastructure to the level recommended by the Infrastructure Advisory Group and approved by the Governing Body is a priority in this budget,” said City Manager Lori Curtis Luther. “Retaining revenues generated by property taxes allows the City to do this and continue to provide a high level of service both for infrastructure, and other essential service areas, into the future.”

Expenditure highlights

The proposed 2024 Budget recommends using additional revenue to continue funding primary services. Recommendations include:

  • Expanding the Police Department cadet program, which has already been successful in developing future police officer candidates within the department;
  • Creating a Fire Department cadet program;
  • Supporting mental health co-responders in the Police Department’s crisis action team unit;
  • Adding a building code official in order to keep pace with continued development in the city and ensure buildings are constructed safely;
  • Increasing capacity in the Parks and Recreation Department for forestry, animal care operations at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead, park construction, mowing operations and more;
  • Using American Rescue Plan Act federal funding to continue removal and replacement of ash street trees affected by the emerald ash borer;
  • Funding updates to Planning and Development Services development codes and design standards in support of Framework OP, the City’s comprehensive plan update;
  • Increasing communications and community engagement efforts via the addition of a graphic designer position and funding for the 2024 citywide survey;
  • Addressing compensation adjustments for hundreds of City staff as recommended by a third-party focused on ensuring the City is competitive when retaining and recruiting staff; and more.

The proposed 2024 Budget adds a total of 22.57 full-time equivalent staff to help support the additional 11,000 people who have moved to Overland Park over the course of the past five years

To view all the recommendations and Luther’s presentation, visit

Get involved in next steps

The four City Council committees will each review their respective areas of the budget during June and July. Residents can attend these Committee meetings or watch online.

The Committee of the Whole is scheduled to consider Committee recommendations on July 10 and will finalize a budget recommendation for public hearing purposes.

After a preliminary public hearing in April, the City Council is scheduled to hold two final public hearings on September 11 regarding the budget itself, and the City’s intent to exceed the revenue-neutral rate.

Residents can weigh in by speaking at these public hearings.

Final consideration and a vote on the proposed 2024 Budget will occur prior to the October 1 deadline.

For more information about the recommended budget, review the proposed 2024 Budget.


Meg Ralph Director of Strategic Communications City Manager’s Office 913-895-6160