The city’s current planning staff review and coordinate development applications.
The development review process begins with a pre-application conference between the applicant and staff, and concludes with a final recommendation from the Planning Commission or City Council.
Staff review includes the placement, type, intensity, and density of uses, access, traffic impacts, stormwater management, building design and landscaping.
The Unified Development Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan and the design guidelines and standards are all tools used to ensure that proposed development meets the requirements and expectations of the city.
Planner of the Day
The development pyramid illustrates how the various types of development applications considered by the Planning Commission and City Council relate to each other and to the building permit review process. Additional details about a development are required with each subsequent application.
Most developments begin at the bottom of the pyramid and work their way through all the stages in the pyramid before building permits are issued.
The Unified Development Ordinance establishes criteria for review of development applications. Criteria for review are different depending on the type of application.
To learn about what criteria staff and the Planning Commission will use to review a particular application, open the accordion for each respective application type below.
Public hearings give residents and applicants an opportunity to address the Planning Commission or City Council prior to decisions on proposed developments.
All rezoning and special use permit and some preliminary plan requests require a public hearing. The Planning Commission agenda will indicate when a public hearing is required for an item.
Share your comments on a development by:
The Governing Body welcomes resident and public feedback about development proposals that are open for public comment.
When speaking at a public hearing, the following suggestions will help Planning Commissioners or City Council take your public comment into full consideration.
In order to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, the Chair person may limit the time for each speaker. If you represent a large group of residents or need other accommodations, please let the project’s case manager know in advance.
The City Council Chamber has technology for speakers with presentations. This technology includes:
Property owners adjacent to proposed developments can file protest petitions for pending rezoning, preliminary plan, and special use permit applications requiring a public hearing.
Valid protest petitions impact the approval requirements for an application.
A protest petition is valid if 20 percent of the land area within the notification ring is represented by the signatures of the property owners. Property owners signing the petition must:
For additional requirements, see the instructions included with the protest petition form.
The petition may be filed with the City Clerk’s Office beginning the day after the Planning Commission makes a final recommendation on the item but no later than by the end of business 14 days after.
Rezoning, Special Use Permits, Preliminary Development Plans, and Revised Preliminary Development Plans
If a valid protest petition is submitted for any of these applications, ten of 12 City Council members must approve the application during a City Council meeting.
Without the protest, only seven votes in favor of the application are required.
Preliminary Development Plans for Non-Residential Uses in a Residential District
These protest petitions are for buildings, schools, religious institutions, and similar non-residential uses. Unless a valid protest petition is submitted for non-residential applications within a residential district, the action of the Planning Commission is final.
When a valid protest petition is filed, the application must be approved by seven of 12 City Council members.
Contact the Current Planning Division at 913-895-6217 for detailed information about the protest petition process.
You also may wish to contact a private attorney to ensure your petition is completed correctly.
Residents can learn about development proposals a number of ways.
There are many options to stay aware of development proposals near your home or business.
In some cases, residents living near proposed developments will receive postcards from the city and a certified letter from the applicant informing them of potential changes.
Notices of public hearing are also posted on the properties themselves.
We share information about new proposals and Planning Commission agenda highlights on the city’s social media channels. Or, sign up for e-newsletters.
Search the map to see proposals that could be coming to your neighborhood. Or, browse around and see what’s new.